IG: @bianca_pillay97

IG: @thami.sk

IG: @__mt_smilesogenuine
As an official photographer or the Johannesburg leg of the Afropunk Festival schedule, came the opportunity to document the true expressions of attendees over the course of 2 days in the run-up to New Year's Eve (2020).

IG: @goalsbygalliano

IG: @cxsside

IG: @goalsbygalliano

Afropunk Joburg is all about the people and they clearly brought out all the stops.

IG: @shea_nanigans

IG: @shea_nanigans

IG: @shea_nanigans

IG: @syberbabe
From concepts to colour schemes - identity and personality was reflected in every detail

IG: @moongak_

IG: @moongak_

IG: @moongak_

From smiles to poses - it was good vibes only

IG: @mia_celina

IG: @northnatasha_rsa

IG: @mia_celina

IG: @robotmetalangel

IG: @reignboow

IG: @reignboow