"99 Juta Street" by Yen Andres Choo

"99 Juta Street" by Yen Andres Choo

"99 Juta Street" by Yen Andres Choo
Arron Nathan Moos as a 24 year old photographer seeking to tell stories that speak to the act owning our beautifully complex identities and narratives by drawing attention to the magic of seemingly mundane moments. There is much to found in tracing a line back to the beginning, or what we deem as 'home'.
Where his work tends to engage with the themes of identity, the act of building culture and reflective nostalgia, its voice and aesthetic shifts from documenting spaces and moments to engaging with people’s stories through portraiture. Over the past months and year, the nature (and power) of images as artifacts (whether factual or not) of time has been a recurring reflection in considering approaches to his practice.
Current ongoing projects continue to consider photographic expressions through an increasingly editorial lens informed by narrative and thematic anchors - while seeking to expand on a reflective artistic practice exploring new media.
Photography has become this medium of expression that delivers a promise that one can and can't keep. While the image may remain intact; its meaning, relevance and impact tends to shift and evolve over time. The same way those fleeting memories and moments come and go. It is then that these associated notions of storytelling and perspective remain at the core of my process and practice. Stories are a lifeblood and I’m well aware that nobody ‘sees’ the same way — a gift made visible and tactile with the wonder of the photographic medium.
(on establishing the value of an archive, 2020)
(on establishing the value of an archive, 2020)
CityPress/News24, Feature: How Arron Nathan Moos explores identity through photography (March 2022)
Design Indaba, Digital Feature: Still Lives (March 2022)
Port Magazine, Digital Feature: Notes from Lockdown: Arron Moos (May 2020)
AFROPUNK, Concert Photography: AP Joburg - That Onstage Energy (Jan 2020)
AFROPUNK, Portrait Photography: AP Joburg - Instagram Photo Takeovers (Jan 2020)
AFROPUNK, Concert Photography: AP Joburg - Tens Across The Board (Jan 2020)
AFROPUNK, Concert Photography: AP Joburg - Yebo! A Pan African Dream (Dec 2019)
The Journalist, Issue #115, Photo Essay: #AmINext Gender-Based Violence Protest (Sep 2019)
UCT Studies, Multimedia Documentary: FLUENT: Code Switching in Cape Town (late 2018)
UCT Studies, Blog on Visual Narratives: OnConcrete&Beyond (2017)